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Logo Design: GreyBox Studio

Logo Design: GreyBox Studio

Project Details

Logo Design: GreyBox Studio


Client Name

GreyBox Studio, Karad


Where thoughts become things!


Timeless and impactful spaces

The tone of Voice

Creative and Innovative

Brand Story

Elevates spaces into dreams. More than architects; they’re creators of stories told through design, founded on passion and innovation, shape environments that inspire, enrich, and connect. With every structure, they’re dedicated to crafting a world where form and function dance in perfect harmony.


Client-Centric, Professionalism, Space Utility

Brand Persona

Innovative and creative architect


Sustainable functionality of spaces

Target Audience

House owners and real estate property dealers

Problem Statement

In the midst of an evolving architectural landscape, GreyBox Studio recognized the need to modernize its brand identity to reflect its core values, design philosophy, and the exceptional work it brings to life. The firm sought to develop a logo that would not only capture its essence but also resonate with its clients, partners, and stakeholders.


  • Distinctive Identity: Create a logo that stands out in a crowded market, conveying GreyBox Studio’s unique approach of space utility.
  • Representation: Capture the firm’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and architectural excellence.
  • Memorability: Craft a logo that is easily recognizable and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.
  • Versatility: Design a logo that can be applied across various mediums, from digital platforms to physical collateral.

Research Overview

  • Client’s perspective: Focussed on Modern architectural concepts yet adaptively uses cultural sensitivity.
  • Trends Analysis: Competitor’s Design Analysis found Minimalism and Clean Lines, Mixed-Use Developments; Smart buildings with biophilic and sustainable designs. 
  • Customer Research: Presence of Urban and Suburban scenarios, Requirements and Purposes, economical factors observed.
  • Methodologies used: Qualitative, Descriptive and Correlational.

Phase-wise Project Breakdown

Phase 1

  • Understood the aspects in terms of  client’s perspective
  • Did thorough design research and figured out the suitable inspiration

Phase 2

  • Developed preliminary conceptual prototypes with the color schemes 
  • Performed iterative design process and  finalized the project

Phase 3

  • Final Designs submitted for the approval
  • Implemented the modification suggested
  • Delivered the final design along with the resource files

Color Scheme

  Grey, the poet of architecture’s palette, whispers tales of form and space.

A chromatic dance that resonates with the essence of our brand, harmonizing structure and vision. This shade, a muse of design, paints our journey in every subtle gradient.

Final Outcome

The final logo for GreyBox Studio connects the firm’s values, innovation, and commitment to creating architectural marvels. The design merged the notion of a “grey box” evolving into an intricate structure, symbolizing the firm’s transformative prowess. The key factors are,

  • Visual Impact: The minimal logo design is distinct and memorable.
  • Representation: The transformation depicted in the logo underscored the firm’s ability to turn design concepts into realities.
  • Adaptability: The logo was versatile, translating seamlessly across digital platforms, stationery, signage, and marketing collateral.
  • Space Utility: A true reflection of their identity and approach, utilization of spaces.


Client Name

GreyBox Studio, Karad


Where thoughts become things!


Timeless and impactful spaces

The tone of Voice

Creative and Innovative

Brand Story

Elevates spaces into dreams. More than architects; they’re creators of stories told through design, founded on passion and innovation, shape environments that inspire, enrich, and connect. With every structure, they’re dedicated to crafting a world where form and function dance in perfect harmony.


Client-Centric, Professionalism, Space Utility

Brand Persona

Innovative and creative architect


Sustainable functionality of spaces

Target Audience

House owners and real estate property dealers

Logo Design: Parbhani Astronomical Society

Logo Design: Parbhani Astronomical Society

Project Details

Logo Design: Parbhani Astronomical Society


Client Name

Parbhani Astronomical Society


Science for all!


Awareness of scientific temperament in the society

The tone of Voice

Curious and excited

Brand Story

The Parbhani Astronomical Society is a beacon of curiosity and exploration, dedicated to inspiring a fascination with the cosmos and fostering a community of amateur astronomers. Committed to advancing astronomical knowledge and igniting the spirit of discovery, the society serves as a hub for stargazers, researchers, and enthusiasts to explore the mysteries of the universe.


Scientific mindset, Knowledge sharing and Environmentalism

Brand Persona

Science Communicator


Bridging Curiosity and Knowledge for Rural and sub-urban Students, Parents and Society as a Whole

Target Audience

Students, Science Enthusiasts, and Education empowerment activists and organizations

Problem Statement

As the Parbhani Astronomical Society aimed to establish a strong identity, they sought a logo that would encapsulate the boundless wonder of the universe. The challenge was to create a design that beautifully melded the concepts of the solar system, telescopic exploration, and the art of capturing celestial beauty through a camera lens.


  • Cosmic Synthesis: Develop a logo that artistically combines the solar system, telescope imagery, and camera lens to encapsulate the essence of astronomy.
  • Memorable Impression: Create a logo that leaves an indelible mark, acting as a visual beacon for astronomy enthusiasts and learners alike.
  • Community Connection: Establish a visual connection that resonates with amateur astronomers and researchers, fostering a sense of belonging.

Research Overview

  • Design Inspiration: Online resources of scientific visuals, storylines and animations.
  • Target Audience Research: Presence of Urban and Suburban scenarios, involvement of educational organizations, professionals and activists observed. 
  • Methodologies Used: Qualitative, Descriptive and Correlational.

Phase-wise project breakdown

Phase 1

  • Understood the aspects in terms of  client’s perspective
  • Did thorough design research and figured out the suitable inspiration

Phase 2

  • Developed preliminary conceptual prototypes with the color schemes 
  • Performed iterative design process and  finalized the project

Phase 3

  • Final Designs submitted for the approval
  • Implemented the modification suggested
  • Delivered the final design along with the resource files

Color Scheme

  Black (Everything/nothing, Mystery, Elegance) as a primary or preferable color but not limited to.

Black color in an astronomy logo embodies the vastness and mystery of space, creating contrast and enhancing celestial elements’ visibility. It exudes elegance, timelessness, and a sense of discovery while providing a backdrop for text and symbols. The universal appeal and association with the night sky make it a compelling choice.

Final Outcome

  • Symbolic Fusion: The amalgamation of cosmic orbits, telescope cross-section, and camera lens aperture epitomized the society’s ethos of exploration and observation.
  • Community Embrace: The logo resonated deeply with amateur astronomers and researchers, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose.


Client Name

Parbhani Astronomical Society


Science for all!


Awareness of scientific temperament in the society

The tone of Voice

Curious and excited

Brand Story

The Parbhani Astronomical Society is a beacon of curiosity and exploration, dedicated to inspiring a fascination with the cosmos and fostering a community of amateur astronomers. Committed to advancing astronomical knowledge and igniting the spirit of discovery, the society serves as a hub for stargazers, researchers, and enthusiasts to explore the mysteries of the universe.


Scientific mindset, Knowledge sharing and Environmentalism

Brand Persona

Science Communicator


Bridging Curiosity and Knowledge for Rural and sub-urban Students, Parents and Society as a Whole

Target Audience

Students, Science Enthusiasts, and Education empowerment activists and organizations

Logo Design: Finshop

Logo Design: Finshop

Project Details

Logo Design: Finshop


Client Name

Mr. Gulrez, Founder, Finshop


Shopping on your fingers


Making standard e-commerce solutions accessible to the hyper-local community

The tone of Voice

Playful and helpful

Brand Story

Finshop is a trailblazing hyper-local online grocery app that promises users a hassle-free and convenient shopping experience, right at their fingertips. As an embodiment of simplicity and efficiency, Finshop revolutionizes the way hyper-local communities shop for everyday essentials, making grocery shopping a breeze in the digital age.


The convenience and ease of the users.

Brand Persona

Delivery Person


Easy and convenient online shopping for hyper-local communities

Target Audience

Suburban and rural users; and grocery shop owners

Problem Statement

To design a logo that encapsulated the essence of effortless shopping while incorporating a unique blend of a shopping cart and fingers.


  • User-Centric Design: Develop a logo that resonates with the modern consumer’s desire for convenience, ease, and simplicity in online shopping.
  • Memorable Impression: Create a logo that leaves a lasting mark on users’ minds, symbolizing the unique proposition of Finshop.
  • Visual Innovation: Design a logo that creatively combines the concepts of a shopping cart and fingers, conveying the app’s touch-based shopping experience.
  • Color Palette: Utilize a gradient of green shades that evoke feelings of freshness, growth, and a connection to the grocery sector.

Research Overview

  • Design Inspiration: Competitor websites and apps. 
  • Target Audience Research: Hyper-local society, middle class, moderately tech-savvy
  • Trends Analysis: Competitor websites and apps.
  • Methodology: Correlational

Phase-wise project breakdown

Phase 1

  • Understood the aspects in terms of  client’s perspective
  • Did thorough design research and figured out the suitable inspiration

Phase 2

  • Developed preliminary conceptual prototypes with the color schemes 
  • Performed iterative design process and  finalized the project

Phase 3

  • Final Designs submitted for the approval
  • Implemented the modification suggested
  • Delivered the final design along with the resource files

Color Scheme

The gradient of green shades lent vibrancy and freshness; and evoked feelings of growth, vitality, and a direct connection to the grocery sector, enhancing the logo’s relevance.

Final Outcome

  • User-Centric Identity: The logo’s innovative design positioned Finshop as a pioneer in effortless online grocery shopping, resonating with modern consumers.
  • Symbolic Fusion: The amalgamation of the shopping cart and fingers embodied Finshop’s proposition of shopping with a touch, capturing the essence of simplicity. The fusion of a shopping cart and fingers showcased the tactile shopping experience, while the gradient of green shades lent vibrancy and freshness.
  • Memorable Appeal: The distinct design left a lasting impression on users, fostering brand recognition and association with seamless shopping.
  • Color Harmony: The gradient of green shades evoked feelings of growth, vitality, and a direct connection to the grocery sector, enhancing the logo’s relevance.


Client Name

Mr. Gulrez, Founder, Finshop


Shopping on your fingers


Making standard e-commerce solutions accessible to the hyper-local community

The tone of Voice

Playful and helpful

Brand Story

Finshop is a trailblazing hyper-local online grocery app that promises users a hassle-free and convenient shopping experience, right at their fingertips. As an embodiment of simplicity and efficiency, Finshop revolutionizes the way hyper-local communities shop for everyday essentials, making grocery shopping a breeze in the digital age.


The convenience and ease of the users.

Brand Persona

Delivery Person


Easy and convenient online shopping for hyper-local communities

Target Audience

Suburban and rural users; and grocery shop owners